Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pulling Teeth

My kids are like night and day when it comes to several things - one of which is pulling teeth! Gracie can't wait to get the teeth out. As soon as she thinks a tooth is the slightest bit loose, she pulls it with her dad's pliers - yes I said pliers!

So, about 2 years ago here is what Gracie looked like: (Her little sister was pretty cute with all those baby teeth, right?)



















Now, Gracie's teeth looked a lot like two large chicklets for a while when they finally came in. They were way too big for her little mouth! She has now grown into them and I really don't even think she is going to need braces - now that's something to be thankful for!

Here are the chicklets:



















Well, Caroline started losing teeth about a year ago, and it has been a totally different experience. She did okay with  the first one. I'm pretty sure it just fell out of her mouth while we were in a public restroom somewhere - great memory right? That was not exactly what I had planned, but I was just glad it was finally out because there was NO convincing that child to pull her tooth or to even let anyone near her mouth at the time.

The second tooth was not quite so easy to get out: Her adult tooth started coming in behind it and it just wouldn't get loose enough to fall out...this little scenario ended up costing me $100 at the dentist office! We had a very serious talk about the fact that there were about 15 more teeth in her mouth and we would not be letting the dentist pull each of them at the rate of $100 each! She took me seriously, because it has gotten better...

Last night, Caroline hit her mouth on something and it knocked one of her top teeth looser than it had been. It looked so funny because it was crooked and slightly out of place. Today at lunch, I told her I would buy her a toy if she would just go ahead and pull it today - knowing that probably wouldn't happen. She hit her mouth again today, and guess what??????

The tooth came out and I had to go buy a toy! Here is the big girl with her missing tooth! Here come the chicklets :)



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