Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Gracie!

Tomorrow Gracie is turning 10 years old. I feel like I should have something proverbial to say, but I'm at a loss right now. It does make me feel old to really think about the fact that she has been here for an entire decade.

I have been thinking about when we decided to have a baby the first time. I think it was more "I" wanted to have a baby at first, but after she arrived Josh was smitten by her. I can tell when I look back at pictures how much happiness he got from her. I think she has so many of her dad's traits from not being very flexible (literally) to taking life quite seriously at times. Even her teeth remind me of him. I know he would be so proud of her for being a good student, being respectful, and so many more things because I am proud of her for them!

Gracie was a great baby, funny toddler, great kid, and is now turning into a responsible - I'm just going to say it - preteen?!?!?! That just sounds so weird! In my mind, I suppose, she will always be this little girl that I prayed for:


She was 6 days late (or as some might say on "Gracie's time"), and she has kept up her tradition as we are all commonly sitting in the car waiting for her to finish whatever she's doing so we can leave :)

Here is the most recent picture I have taken of Gracie. She is wearing silver make-up because of her recent role in "The Wizard of Oz" at school. Look at what a different 10 years makes:

Happy birthday, Gracie!

Love, Mom

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