I'm caught up! I had no idea how many pictures I had taken, but it was a LOT! It feels good to have the blog updated!
We have had so much going on lately in our lives that I have become a "binge" blogger I guess. I hope to be doing better soon. Some of you may not know that Jon has been in college for several months - 18 or so. Well, he is graduating in two weeks!!! He won't be completely done with his school, but he will be able to finally work a full time job - which God blessed him with recently by the way. It has gone by so fast in some ways, but slow in others. We have been through so many transitions in just the past few months life has just been pulling us along. I'm so thankful that he will be finished with the 'heaviest" part of the college classes soon and that he has started working.
The down side to that of course is that I am now losing my Mr. Mom - the one who picked up the kids at school, cooked dinner (most of the time), did the laundry, etc, etc, etc. He has really been a lifesaver for me in those areas. I can't believe how easily he took on the jobs in the first place, but it sure was nice coming home to dinner almost ready and laundry even halfway done....
So, thanks for all you did Jon! I'm so glad you have had the opportunity to go back to college to do what you love! I Love you!
I also want to say thanks to our family for bearing with us as we have gone through these crazy times. You have been super helpful when we needed you and understanding when we haven't had time to be around like we were in the past. We are looking forward to getting to spend more time with you all as things calm down. We love you all!
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