Saturday, January 16, 2010

Snow much FUN!

Last weekend we had a *little* snow and a LOT of FUN! The girls absolutely LOVE to play with the little girl next door. Here's a pic of them introducing Rose (the hamster) to Jonas (the dog): LOL!

The funniest thing to me is that Rose is the only one looking at the camera!!!!! HILARIOUS! Jonas doesn't seem to care at ALL that there is a hamster sitting on her back...

We ended up getting about 1.5 inches of snow and missing three days of school for it! I never remember things like that happening when I was in school. I know we had snow days, but never that many for 1.5 inches!!!! WOW! I just hope they don't have to make them up at the end of the year.

Another really cool thing we did last weekend was to finally put our bird feeders out! Caroline had been asking for some bird and squirrel feeders outside in the back yard. We put one on the window outside our breakfast "nook" area with a hook that had a suction cup. The birds loved it, and we enjoyed watching them. Here are two blurry pics of some birds we saw.

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