Well, yes we did. Now let me explain myself ...
Grandad and Grangran have a pond on their property. Last Saturday, after all the snow and ice was really frozen, Grangran made this picture of several kids playing ice hockey on their pond.
Pretty cool, huh? In my 30 years of life I have NEVER seen a pond frozen enough to play on, so we decided that the kids needed to experience this one!
We sledded on a corn scoop:
Andy -
Heather (she fell off the scoop and Grandad had to help her out a little...)
And...this is me - Marlon fell down when he was pulling me and it was hilarious!
Made snow angels (Caroline and Andy):
Then, we finally (with the help of some of the neighbors) figured out how to REALLY enjoy the pond:
Letting Grandad pull us in a laundry basket behind the mule! It was awesome! We had a great time! I just realized that Grangran (who made the picture CD for me that had these pics on it) didn't put the best pictures on it! There is one picture of her riding in the laundry basket behind the mule...she had fun, but now I think she might have been afraid to have her picture posted on my blog doing so ;)