I have owned a really cool treadmill since January (because I, like millions of others in the world, fell into the whole "new year, new you" ad campaign that works every year for retailers around the globe) I can say that I have used it several times ("several" being used lightly here), but I have NOT been devoted in the least!
It's not something that's difficult to do or that takes up much of my time...
I have really good intentions of getting up 30 minutes early...or walking before going to bed...or just exercising three days per week, but I CANNOT MAKE MYSELF DO IT!!!!!!!
WHY??????????? My only answer here is that it's BORING!
Tonight I am typing this blog post as I **guess what I'm doing** WALKING ON MY TEADMILL!!!!
Ok so that's kind of nutty, I know, but it is getting the job done!
I'm walking!